
Halloween Decorating Ideas: The Painted Pumpkin Trend

Carving your pumpkins can be messy and sometimes the finished result isn’t as effective as you may have liked it to have been. Instead of carving, have you ever thought of painting your pumpkins instead?

We gave it a go at Chateau HQ and we hope we inspire you to do the same. As you can see, we couldn’t help but feature some iconic Chateau references, our Chateau de la Motte Husson logo and even our Mademoiselle Daisy print…this one might just be our favourite but we may be biased!

What You'll Need:
• Damp cloth
• Various sized paint brushes
• Acrylic paints
• Spray paint
• Cup of water
• Newspaper or dust sheets

Step 1.

Clean Your Pumpkin

Before you start painting, you should make sure that your pumpkin is a blank canvas. To get rid of any dirt or residue, simply wipe it down using a cloth and warm soapy water and dry thoroughly.

Step 2.

Spray Paint for a Blank Canvas

Work in a well-ventilated space and protect the floor. Ensure the item you’re working on is secure and at a comfortable height. Once you are happy, start stripping (ooh lala!)

Step 3.

Nail Your Design

Before committing to your chosen pumpkin design. It’s a really good idea to sketch it out on paper first. Once you’re happy with your initial sketch, mark it out with pencil or a pen very gently on to your pumpkin. Pumpkins are wipeable, so if you do make any mistakes you will have a short window to erase it! If you did spray paint your pumpkin, make sure the spray paint is fully dry and be extra careful. .

Step 4.

Add Your Detail

When it comes to painting your detailed design, use acrylic paints for the best finish. It’s useful to have an array of paintbrush sizes to be as precise as you can be. If you’re not a professional painter or illustrator, there are many easier designs that are just as effective. Take a look at our leopard print design for example. It’s bang on trend and perfect for a stylish Halloween home and is super easy to achieve!

Don’t forget, you can also join the Escape to The Chateau Fan Club on Facebook and join a community of like-minded creative people who love to share their craft and DIY projects. So, if you’ve completed your own painted pumpkin project, the team and I would love to see it! Make sure you tag us on Instagram @the_chateau_tv or post your project in the Escape to The Chateau Fan Club on Facebook.

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