
Chateau Stories: Behind the Design of Mademoiselle Daisy

In 2019, Dick found something he’d been searching high and low for - a second-hand Asquith Mascot bus with dreams of turning the vintage-style vehicle into a travelling adventure bus.

Although completely retro in their look and feel, Asquith Motors only began building their vehicles in the 1980s. Designed for commercial use, the nod to a bygone era attracted the eye of consumers, whether it was for food serving, deliveries, advertising, or as transport for weddings.

Before Dick and Angel started the conversion of their Asquith from a demure bride into an adventurous explorer, it was time to take their new bus for a spin. Their first adventure was a family picnic on the banks of the River Mayenne where the Strawbridge’s dined on homemade quiche and Dick and Arthur’s giant Scotch Eggs.

Back at the Chateau, while Dick was busy problem-solving how to fit their new campervan with a sink, cooker and toilet, Angel set to work designing a beautiful, bespoke interior.

“Our first trip in the Asquith was around the Chateau’s grounds – so where better to look for inspiration than the wild daisies which flowered in abundance for the first time that year. Re-imagined with Art Nouveau patterning, the daisy motif combines the great outdoors with rich colouring to create a playful and contemporary design, with a backward glance to more carefree times.” Angel

During the transformation, Angel joked that the bus felt very “Driving Miss Daisy”, a heart-warming thirty-year-old film loved by Dick and Angel. The name felt fitting, but, of course, it needed a French twist. Et voila! Mademoiselle Daisy was born.

“Now the bus had a name, Angel’s design began to take shape. She wanted to create a central geometric daisy motif - a playful pattern inspired by Art Nouveau. As the bus would be the Strawbridge’s home away from home on their travelling adventures, Angel chose a rich cobalt green background with touches of gold to create a warm and homely feel with a hint of luxury.

The Mademoiselle Daisy design was printed onto wallpaper to decorate the interior and onto crushed velvet for the tactile seat coverings and comfy cushions. With the addition of Dick’s ingenious inside-outside kitchenette and marshmallows for the fire, the family were ready for their first overnight adventure!

The Mademoiselle Daisy pattern is also available on a range of Chateau products

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