creative / Your Chateau

How-to Create a Living Ladder Wall

Freshen up your kitchen with this simple foliage canopy. Over time the ivy will grow wrapping itself around the ladder creating a dense leafy texture and a feeling of being outside.

What you'll need:

• A set of old ladders
• Something to balance your ladders across or brackets to attach it to your wall
• Some S hooks
• Masonry jars
• Moss and compost
• Plants

Step 1.

Create a foliage canopy effect by trailing plants like ivy across the ladders and kitchen cabinets.

Fill masonry jars with some moss.

Step 2.

Plant the ivy into the jar and filled the gaps with some compost.

Add more moss across the top of the jar, covering the compost.

Step 3.

To hang the jars to the ladders use one S hook per jar.

Hook the jar onto the S hook from the metal frame in between the jar and its lid.

Step 4.

Hang more plants from the hooks to the side of the kitchen units and place a few plant pots on top of the wall cabinets to really ramp up the living wall effect.

If you make this we'd love to see it. You can share it on The Escape to The Chateau Fan Club Facebook page or tag us on Instagram @the_chateau_tv.

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