
Easter Craft Ideas: The Easter Tree

This gorgeous Easter Tree makes a lovely centrepiece. Bring a little of the outside in with branches and twigs from the garden and dress with these simple homemade feathery egg and paper bird decorations which are really fun to make with the kids.

• foraged branches & twigs
• a vase or container of a size you prefer
• chicken wire (we used a square 30x30cm for a vase that is • 15cm wide in diameter)
• pebbles (to prevent the vase from toppling over)

Step 1.

Fill an empty vase or vessel with some scrunched up chicken wire. Place the chicken wire ball in the vase pushing it to the bottom.

Step 2.

You can also add some pebbles or rocks to the bottom to weigh the vase down if you are using heavy branches.

Step 3.

Start to place your branches into the vase, securing the end of the branch into the chicken wire to keep it in place.

Step 4.

Once you are happy with the position of the branches, decorate the Easter tree with a mix of your homemade decorations and enjoy the display throughout the holiday!

Don’t forget, you can also join the Escape to The Chateau Fan Club on Facebook and join a community of like-minded creative people who love to share their craft and DIY projects. So, if you’ve recently completed a project that you’re proud of, be sure to share it on there…we’d all love to see it! To follow more of Kate and Eric’s renovation journey you can follow their Instagram account @resinn_

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