
Easter Tree Decorations: Paper Birds

“Keeping your decorations and adding to them every year with new creations is a lovely way to make memories as a family”

• two colours of A4 card for each bird colour way (we did x4 colourways = 8x A4 pieces of coloured card)
• garden twine to hang the birds
• a needle to make the hole for the twine
• scissors
• a pencil to draw the outline of the bird's body

Step 1.

Place one of the strips across the bottom of the bird’s body.

Step 2.

Fold the longer end under the bird’s body. Then fold the same end over the top of the body and then under once more. At the back, fold the end under the wrapped layer of paper to hold it in place.

Step 3.

Snip the ends with scissors to shape the bird’s tail.

Step 4.

Using a thick embroidery needle, make a small hole at the point you want to hang your decoration. Thread the twine through the hole and tie a knot in the ends to make a loop.

Don’t forget, you can also join the Escape to The Chateau Fan Club on Facebook and join a community of like-minded creative people who love to share their craft and DIY projects. So, if you’ve recently completed a project that you’re proud of, be sure to share it on there…we’d all love to see it! To follow more of Kate and Eric’s renovation journey you can follow their Instagram account @resinn_

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